The Badgers


That is the word I choose for this family session!

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The day was awesome; partially blue skies, kind of moody clouds, wind (oh my was there wind). The location was awesome; Camp Kill Kare state park in St.Albans. And this family is awesome! Meet Michael, Kayla and that sweet nugget, Rowan.

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The Badgers are recent transplants from Tennessee and are soaking up and soaking in all that Vermont has to offer. They have moved here with mission and purpose and have hearts to settle in and make this their home. They are kind and compassionate but also incredibly easy going and fun.

It was beautiful to witness the newness of this family. The looks exchanged between father and son, the snuggles between a mom and her boy, and the deepening love between a couple who has been places and experienced things and walks forward, sometimes into the unknown, with a trust that can only be defined as faith.

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So Badgers, I welcome you to Vermont! Thank you for allowing me the chance to laugh with you and create with you and know you. Keep enjoying the awesomeness of little Row and one another. And may the roots you set down here grow deep and wide and be a firm foundation for generations of Badgers to come.

All my love,


The Wilson Family…


Shy & Mike