
Today on the blog we’re continuing our series on the meaning of modern womanhood, while also empowering women to love the skin they’re in. I want to introduce to you, Mandy.

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I have known Mandy for almost eight years now. She is my sister-in-laws sister…so really, my adopted sister. Mandy is this incredibly aware, independent minded, free spirited woman. She is funny, warm, friendly. She tells it like it is, she’s bold, and she’s more adventurous than any other woman I know. She’s travelled all over the world, 85% of the time by herself…and has even written and published a book to that end.

When I approached her about doing a session in the desert, maybe get some water shots, draw out authentic inner beauty with a bunch of women (that’s how I literally sold it to her…so classy right???), she was all in right away. And I can’t thank her enough…because in helping these women uncover and put on display their authenticity, she helped me find my voice. So thank you Mandy, you are a light and a joy and I’m forever thankful to have you in my life.

Now, in her own words, I give you, Mandy (38)…

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What does it mean to be a woman?

Feminine energy is often overlooked, quieted, shamed, and silenced. But, as women, we have a responsibility to our daughters, and even sons, to show how powerful this energy can be. To me, a woman untampered would use that feminine energy to walk into the world knowing her worth, believing in her individual beauty, feeling her unique strength from the dirt under feet, all the way through her, to the sky above her. She uses her energy to love, to nurture, to give, to receive, and to stand up to anything that threatens her or the people she loves.

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What do you like about being a woman?

The freedom to dress how I choose.

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What does it mean to be strong?

Vulnerable, open, unconditionally loving, willing to grow, and getting back up each time I fall.

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What makes YOU strong?

My wild, free-spirited, unconditionally loving heart. My self-worth and my ability to find complete joy in the small things that make up my incredible life.

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What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty is timeless and can be found in ANYTHING. From the flower growing in the desert to the wrinkles on my forehead.

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Where does beauty come from?

Most certainly from our own ability to perceive our own sense of self-worth and value in this world. Beauty stems from our own self-love. If we love ourselves, we will be able to perceive our beauty and nurture it. As women, our job is to ignore the world that constantly tells us we are not beautiful. The only person that gets to decide that is me.

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What makes YOU beautiful?

My curves, my heart, my self-worth, my drive, my sense of curiosity, my ability to love unconditionally, and my strong connection to my body.

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Can women be powerful?

Without a doubt! We have proved that over and over again no matter how often we have been told that we can't.

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What does a powerful woman look like?

A powerful woman uses her energy to fight for what she deserves; love, protection, peace, stability, grace, boundaries, to be heard, respected, and nurtured as much as she nurtures.

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How do we educate the world about the strength, power, and beauty of women?

Teach them that beauty comes from within and shines on the outside.




The First Ladies