Friday Fives: 5 Random Facts About Me!
I’m going to start something new! I’m starting the Friday Fives, where each Friday I’ll rattle off “5 Somethings”. It could be something more personal (like today), it could be gear related, maybe what I’m watching or reading at the moment, it could be fav photography spots…whatever it is, I’m committing to it right now! So be on the lookout each Friday as I share what I’ve got with you.
Fact #1: I’m a dual citizen of United States and Canada. My father is French Canadian (province of Quebec) and I gained my dual citizenship in 2010. Quebec is the only French speaking province of Canada, and therefore they have a little chip on their shoulders. If you’re from Canada, don’t pity me, I love Quebec…but I get it…we can be a little hard to get along with.
Fact #2: I have a B.A. in Dance Performance from Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. Dance was my first true love and will always hold a special place in my heart. Photography was a natural artistic pivot for me, but I’ve been “pivoting” since I was 4 years old. Haha, did you get the joke? Pivot…you know because it’s a dance move.
Photo shared courtesy of Summit Lights Photography, Steve Seiller
Fact #3: I love Prince!! Not like Prince William or Prince Harry (although I do like his ginger colored hair). No, the man, the musician, Prince! Purple Rain came out when I was in 4th grade and that album was everything! Don’t judge the parenting skills back then, everything slipped through the cracks in the 80’s. But he was it and will forever be my “exception”. I’m not gonna lie, I cried a tear or 20 when he passed away in 2016 , but when his songs come on…oooohhh something just feels right. Know what I mean???
Fact #4: I studied Thai Massage in Bangkok Thailand for 5 weeks one summer. Did I also mention I used to be a massage therapist? My goodness that seems like a lifetime ago. I had a particular affinity for Eastern modalities and Thai Massage was something I really connected with. My husband and I spent 10 weeks in SE Asia one year and during that time I decided to up my skill set and learn from some of the best. If you’ve never had a Thai massage before imagine it like this: fully dressed, laying on a mat on the floor, allowing someone to do yoga to you. Basically your practitioner moves you in and out of all of these amazing stretches helping to open up your joints and align your wellbeing. If you ever have the chance get one!!
Fact #5: I am dairy intolerant. Do you know how rotten that is? I mean, I’m from Vermont where the cows outnumber the people population and some of the best dairy products are made. Have you ever had a VT Creemee in the summer time? You probably don’t know what that is but I think the rest of you may know it as Soft Serve and in Vermont it’s the best. I grew up on a tall glass of milk every night for dinner and a bowl of cereal every morning. And then after I had my 3rd baby, 6 years ago, my body just said “No More!”. I can manage the discomfort somewhat but for the most part I’ve given up everything except cheddar. Do you know how many pizza places DON’T make their pizzas with cheddar. (Silent tear rolls down my cheek)…
So there you have it, our first Friday Fives is done! That was fun, wasn’t it? Well, I can’t wait to come back next week with something all new to talk about. In the meantime, what would you like me to do a Friday Fives about? Leave your suggestions in the comments! Until then,
All my love,